Tuesday, 13 June – CONFERENCE – Admiral de Grasse and American Independence; Operational Commander
Tuesday, June 13, 6.45 pm
Jockey Club
2 rue Rabelais, 75008 Paris
RSVP by 8 June
The Society of the Cincinnati in France invites us to participate in the conference given by Olivier Chaline, historian of the sea and professor of modern history at the Sorbonne, and Jean-Marie Kowalski, head of the department of human and military training at the Naval School, around their book: “L’amiral de Grasse et l’Indépendance américaine. Commander en opérations.”
This is the first scientific study to cross-reference the campaign diaries of Louis XVI’s navy with those of their British adversaries. It allows us to follow with precision how Admiral de Grasse led the largest projection of forces ever attempted by the French monarchy across the Atlantic and sheds light on the exercise of command during a naval and land operation that marked the history of the world: the siege of Yorktown (1781).
The attached form is to be returned by e-mail to secretariat@cincinnatidefrance.fr, at the latest on Thursday June 8.
Participation : 20€ per person
Conference in French.