Frequently Asked Questions
Rochambeau Chapter, NSDAR, follows the guidelines and rules defined by the NSDAR headquarters in Washington, D.C. For more detailed information, please consult the “Membership” page of this site, as well as the NSDAR website at:
Interested candidates are invited to email a letter of motivation to the regent of Rochambeau Chapter, NSDAR. The candidates will then be accompanied by the chapter registrar during the application process.
For further details, please consult the “Membership” page on this site or send a message to the registrar’s attention.
If one of your parents, or one of their parents in a previous generation, is or was a DAR or SAR member, you are probably eligible. Nonetheless, as some documentation rules have evolved over time, genealogy proof concerning the great-grandparents’ generation may have changed, rendering eligibility less automatic than in the past.
It is suggested to begin the genealogy search by identifying the Revolutionary Patriot ancestor, then establishing the direct line of descent up to the applicant’s generation. Based on photocopies of public civil records and/or other archival proof recognized by the NSDAR, it is necessary to document each generation, including the date and place of birth; the date and place of marriage; and the date and place of death.
Rochambeau Chapter, NSDAR, pursues the objectives of the NSDAR, notably in the fields of history, patriotism, and education:
To perpetuate the memory and spirit of the men and women who achieved American Independence by the acquisition, erection, and protection of historical markers and monuments; by encouragement of historical research in relation to the American Revolution and the publication of its results; by the preservation of documents and relics, and of the records of the individual services of Revolutionary soldiers and Patriots; and by the promotion of celebrations of all patriotic anniversaries.
To carry out the injunction of General George Washington in his farewell address to the American people, “To promote, as an object of primary importance, institutions for the general diffusion of knowledge,” while also nurturing French American friendship through daily cultural exchanges.
Rochambeau Chapter, NSDAR, holds at least four regular meetings, quarterly, as well as an annual dinner or luncheon. The annual meeting is held in the first quarter of each year.
Regular chapter meetings are generally followed by informal talks given by guest speakers on a variety of cultural themes in the scope of the NSDAR objectives: history, education, and patriotism. Informal discussions continue during the reception that follows. In addition, other informal meetings, visits, and special events are organized from time to time.
For further details, please consult the “Activities” page of this site.
Chapter meetings are usually held in the Paris area – at the homes of members or in private or public facilities.
Meetings are usually conducted in French.
Because of its bicultural tradition, Rochambeau Chapter, NSDAR, occupies an exceptional place within the NSDAR. Some two-thirds of its members descend from a French ancestor who fought for American Independence, among whom are such celebrated personalities as the Marquis de Lafayette and the Comte de Rochambeau.
The members of Rochambeau Chapter, NSDAR, are American, French, and French American women from diverse generations. As they honor their French and American ancestors who forged the early ties of friendship between France and the United States, they continue to nurture this French American friendship in their daily cultural exchanges.
The NSDAR, which brings together more than 185,000 women internationally, and Rochambeau Chapter, NSDAR, nurture French American friendship daily among its members and associate members living in France, in Europe, and in North America.
NSDAR members share a common interest in the values defended by the NSDAR since its creation in 1890, and support its activities in the areas of history, education, and patriotism.
French is the principle working language of Rochambeau Chapter, NSDAR, in France.
Except for special events, such as official visits to France of the NSDAR President General, all chapter meetings and events are conducted in French.
Generally, formal written communication within the NSDAR is in English, whereas French is used for written communication with public and private authorities in France.
Most of the American members of Rochambeau Chapter, NSDAR, are bilingual and many of the French members have a good working knowledge of English. Some of the chapter’s associate members residing outside France also speak French. Informal exchanges between members and associate members visiting France are therefore often lively, with members moving easily from one language to the other!
Concerning written communication with members and associate members, invitations for chapter events are generally in French. However, with respect to the bicultural heritage of Rochambeau Chapter, NSDAR, the agenda, trimestrial newsletter, brochures, and other documents with wide distribution are bilingual.
Electronic communication is increasingly bilingual…this website is a good example!