
According to the NSDAR chapter statutes and guidelines, Rochambeau Chapter, NSDAR  elects a board of officers every three years. The board is chaired by the regent, who is also the chief officer of the chapter. The chapter regent may appoint committees to assist the board.

Under the leadership of the chapter regent, or the 1st vice regent in her absence, board officers are responsible for the general development of chapter activities and special events; the organization of the quarterly chapter meetings and the annual dinner or luncheon; the welcome of new members; communication with chapter members and associate members; and the day-to-day chapter administration, including membership, treasury and accounting, and correspondence, in accordance with NSDAR reporting requirements.

The chapter general assembly and annual meeting is held in the first quarter of each year.  Currently, the chapter regent, the registrar, and the treasurer make annual reports. The board generally meets prior to each regular chapter meeting.  Additional meetings are convened, as necessary.

Chapter Officers

  • Regent Catherine Armand
  • First Vice Regent Mary McFarland de Swardt
  • Second Vice Regent Jane Cary du Parc Locmaria
  • Registrar Virginie Aubert La Fayette Barbier
  • Treasurer Katherine de Meaux
  • Recording Secretary Sara Hillhouse Sallembien
  • Corresponding Secretary Janet Galas Hill
  • Regulation Secretary Carole Delorme d’Armaillé
  • Historian Caroline de Navacelle
  • Librarian Patricia Gastaud Gallagher
  • Curator Agnès Gascoin

Chapter Regents (1934 - 2022)

  • 2019-2022: Marie Laurence de Rochefort-Sirieyx
  • 2019: Mary McFarland-de Swardt (Interim)
  • 2017-2019: Caroline de Navacelle
  • 2014-2017: Madame Lucy Williams Morin
  • 2011-2014: Madame Lucy Williams Morin
  • 2008-2011: Madame Hubert Favreul
  • 2005-2008: Madame Pierre Pose
  • 2002-2005: Madame Bertrand Chatel de Brancion
  • 1999-2002: Madame Christine Malphettes
  • 1996-1999: Comtesse Louis de Gastines
  • 1993-1996: Madame Baudoin Simonard
  • 1990-1993: Madame Pierre Pose
  • 1987-1990: Madame Thadée Szewczyk
  • 1985-1987: Comtesse Bernard Celier
  • 1983-1985: Madame Philippe Merveilleux du Vignaux
  • 1981-1983: Comtesse Louis de Moulins de Rochefort
  • 1977-1981: Comtesse de Montlaur
  • 1975-1977: Comtesse de Pusy La Fayette
  • 1973-1975: Madame Alain Maitrot
  • 1971-1973: Madame André Dubois
  • 1969-1971: Madame Stanislas Brugnon
  • 1967-1969: Madame de Coudekerque Lambrecht
  • 1965-1967: Mrs. Henry Smith-Hutton
  • 1963-1965: Madame Henri Mézan de Malartic
  • 1961-1963: Madame François Trocmé
  • 1959-1961: Mademoiselle Geneviève Sanua-Seymour
  • 1957-1959: Madame Lucien de Charnacé
  • 1955-1957: Comtesse Tolstoy
  • 1953-1955: Mrs. Emory Foster
  • 1951-1953: Comtesse Jean de Pange
  • 1950-1951: Comtesse Tolstoy
  • 1948-1950: Mrs. Helmi Sanua-Seymour
  • 1946-1948: Comtesse Jean de Pange
  • 1940-1946: Mrs. Helmi Sanua-Seymour
  • 1939-1940: Mrs. William Freeman
  • 1937-1939: Comtesse Jean de Pange
  • 1935-1937: Mrs. Eliot Watrous
  • 1934-1935: Mrs. Tryphosa Bates-Batcheller, Organizing Regent