Tuesday, 14 February 2023 – CONFERENCE Fake News: from freedom of expression to disinformation, democracy facing the risk of manipulation

Organized by the Cercle France-Amériques

Tuesday 14 February, 6.30 pm

9, avenue Franklin D. Roosevelt – Paris 8ème

The Cercle France-Amériques, in partnership with the Association Française des Docteurs en Droit, invites you to participate in an evening of debate between lawyers, professors, journalists and social network specialists, observers and actors of public and media life.

 Fake news, infox, fake news and other deliberately misleading or false information regularly thrive on the internet and some of them spread in the public debate, with their damaging consequences for individuals as well as for the community as a whole.

This conference is validated as part of the continuing education of lawyers.

The conference (duration 2 hours) will be followed by a friendly drink.

Participation: 45€ per person (30€ for members of the Cercle).

To consult the CVs of the speakers and to register, please fill out the form below:
